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What’s the max duration on an HTTP API call inside of Clay?


What’s the max duration on an HTTP API call inside of Clay?

  • Avatar of Joe R.
    Joe R.

    Hey Bo - not the rate limit (which the “Duration (in ms)” is for, but I meant how long can the API call be open for. For example, if I’m using Clay’s HTTP API module to call an API endpoint that takes over x minutes, I’d like to know whether that call will persist or disconnect eventually.

  • Avatar of Bo (.
    Bo (.

    Gotcha! In that case, it’s 5000 ms, but there have been some changes recently, so it might not be exact. I’d recommend using this as a general guideline rather than a strict rule. If it reaches that limit, it will display a “timeout.” 😊

  • Avatar of Joe R.
    Joe R.

    Are you sure it’s 5000 ms? I’ve definitely run API calls that’s lasted longer than that

  • Avatar of Bo (.
    Bo (.

    Yes, that’s what I last knew. I can double-check just in case, but were you asking because you encountered an issue or were trying to achieve something that wasn’t working? 😊

  • Avatar of Joe R.
    Joe R.

    Got it - I’ll just test it mysef

  • Avatar of Bo (.
    Bo (.

    Hey Joe! I just heard back from the team, and it’s confirmed that the disconnect happens after 120 seconds. Apologies for not having this answer sooner—thank you so much for your patience! 😊

  • Avatar of Channeled

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