Hey, im back with another question. So I have a people table and with employees and the company the person works at. I am now finding the last funding date of the company to use it as a data point for a copy. Here is my problem: I have several people working at the same company, I dont want to waste credits running the same company for last funding date since running just one would be enough. How can I match company name and last funding date and copy it over to all the same companies within that list??
Since your question involves optimizing credit usage when looking up company funding data, here's what you can do: 1. First, create a new table to store unique company names and their funding dates 2. Use the "Company Funding - Last Date" data point to enrich this new table 3. Then use table joins or lookups to match the funding dates with all employees from the same company in your people tableThis way, you'll only need to look up the funding date once per unique company, rather than running the same lookup multiple times for different employees at the same company. Source: Data points: Company Location - Country | Clay.com
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