With your Slack integration, how do I send channel message to a private channel? Adding the Channel ID doesn't seem to work, must be some permissions thing.... with other apps I have to add their Slack plugin to the channel.
To send messages to any Slack channel (including private channels), you'll need to: 1. First connect your Slack account via OAuth through Settings > Connections or the integration panel.
2. When setting up the message action, you'll need to provide:
โข The Slack channel name
โข Message summary (optional)
โข Bot name (optional)
โข Emoji (optional)
โข Form information (optional)Important: For private channels, you'll need to make sure the Clay Slack app is added to the specific channel you want to send messages to. This is a standard Slack security requirement for all third-party apps.
Sources:Slack integration overview | Documentation | Clay UniversitySend Message to Channel with Slack