I ran a few phantoms, and it's collecting data but when i pull data from the phantom via clay nothing updates in the sheet: https://app.clay.com/workspaces/243114/workbooks/wb_33NtxJopG6MQ/tables/t_KwJmSgwXgYj4/views/gv_JPgEKu9eFZGM
Referring to the sheet called "Phantom analysis"
Hey Ali! Thanks for reaching out. Happy to help. Can you confirm which container you're trying to import records from and how many results are in that container? For context, "0 entries pulled" indicates that the source may not have any records or the container selected is not correct. If you can share the a screenshot of the results you have in that container, it'll help the team troubleshoot. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1244335871/e984497b39b6690c27d97f150b18/CleanShot+2024-11-08+at+10_59_00%402x.png?expires=1731061800&signature=323035c8eb3fadf8ac40740bf39605adcf3878c232155db9c5635c29b1d9b8ee&req=dSIjEsp9mIlYWPMW1HO4zWoHwbIrs%2BOkM3ySy9iP3AdcBmlOt7T%2BRCf0Qefg%0Aa%2B4V%0A
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