normalize company name doesn't seem to work for me- any tips?
To ensure the normalize company name feature works correctly, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the enrichment panel's "Tools" section 2. Scroll past the AI options to find the pre-built functions 3. Select "Normalize Company Names" 4. Choose your input column containing company names 5. Consider enabling the optional "Normalize Case" setting if your company names are all uppercase or lowercaseBy default, new rows in your Clay table will automatically be formatted. If you want the normalization to run only under specific conditions, you can use formulas to trigger the column when certain conditions are met.The tool will remove common suffixes like "Inc," "LLC," and other corporate designators from company names. For example, "Panamax Inc." will become "Panamax," and "Cora, a company of blank" will be simplified to "Cora." Sources: Clay Formatters Overview - Clay University Data Cleaning + Normalization [Clay 101] - Clay University
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