Resolving Export Issues: Fixing Special Characters in Email Copy from Clay to Excel
I am having ChatGPT generate email copy for me in Clay - then I am having that email copy being sent in my emails to people. In Clay the email copy looks fine. But when I export to Excel it gets messed up a bit. Weird symbols being used in place of apostrophes i.e. instead of saying "and I'd be honored to assist you in navigating this next chapter." It will replace the apostrophe with special characters --> " I’d be honored to assist you in navigating this next chapter." - It ONLY shows up like this when I export it from Clay and I open it in Excel. Any ideas on how to solve this issue so when i export it to Excel all my copy doesn't get messed up? It is for thousands of emails so it's not as simple as one email going in and manually changing the special symbols out.