Hey, I'm trying to do a simple write to table using my Apollo integration. How can I simply write all of the Apollo fields for each contact into rows in another table? Do I have to map every column? My table is here: https://app.clay.com/workspaces/320529/workbooks/wb_9NVKa2Jo2ZWx/tables/t_kM9dqDPcPKzz/views/gv_oJZ8QK2H2jdH
To write Apollo contact data to another table, you'll need to use the Write to Table integration and map the columns you want to transfer. Here's how: 1. Click "Add Enrichment" and select "Write to Table" 2. Select your destination table 3. Enter "/" to skip list selection since you're doing column mapping 4. Map the Apollo fields to your destination table columnsThe Apollo integration provides many fields you can map, including: ** Contact Email (Personal and Work) ** Full Name, First Name, Last Name ** LinkedIn URL ** Job Title ** Location details ** Seniority ** Department information ** Phone numbers * And moreYou'll need to explicitly map each Apollo field you want to transfer to the corresponding column in your destination table - there isn't a way to automatically transfer all fields without mapping. Sources: Write to table integration overview | Documentation | Clay University Enrich Person with Apollo.io | Clay.com
I follow that, but I still get errors. I've mapped all fields and everything looks good. Can a human take a look? Thank you.
Looks like you're still looking for help. If youβre dealing with a specific table, drop the URL below so we can help you quicker. Otherwise, someone from our team will be in touch soon!
Hey David, thanks for reaching out. Recorded a quick video walking through the process. Theres a shortcut in the loom video that should make this much easier. :) Give this a try and let me know if you have any other questions or concerns! Loom Video Clay Write to Table Tutorial
Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here.If you still need some help, just reply back here and someone from our team will be in touch!