Getting an error on all my openai enrichments saying we hit our usage limit, but we're tier 5 and not even close to hitting that limit
To ensure reliable use of OpenAI in Clay, you need specific token per minute (TPM) requirements:** 30,000 TPM for ChatGPT columns ** 450,000 TPM for ClaygentYou can verify your current API usage tier and limits at:1. Check your usage: 2. Review your limits: 3. Confirm your tier status: if you're on tier 5, there might be other factors affecting your usage. Please check these links to verify your current usage and ensure your API key is properly configured.
that didn't help
I apologize that my response wasn't helpful. You can rephrase your question, or talk to our team for further assistance.
Clay is returning an error on gpt columns, stating i hit my usage limit. When I go into my OpenAI API dashboard, it's showing that to not be true
For Clay's GPT columns to work reliably, your OpenAI API key needs specific token per minute (TPM) requirements - specifically 30,000 TPM for ChatGPT columns. Even if you haven't exceeded your overall usage limit, you may be hitting the TPM rate limit.You can verify your current TPM tier at: you're experiencing this error, you'll need to ensure your OpenAI API key is on tier 2 or higher to meet the TPM requirements for Clay's GPT columns.
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
I figured it out, you can close this ticket