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How to Detect Spam Trigger Words in Spreadsheet Cells Using AI


I am looking for a formula or AI approach that allows me whether the content in a cell contains any of the 750 Spam trigger words that are listed on this URL: Can I use claygent and ask it to review the content, provide it the above URL and ask it to let me know if any of the words are included in the cell’s content? Otherwise, what would be the recommended approach? Thanks in advance!

  • Avatar of Channeled

    You can use Clay's "Find Keywords" action to check for specific words in your text. Here's how: 1. First, you'll need to extract the spam trigger words from your URL and format them as a comma-separated list 2. Use the "Find Keywords" action with: • "Keywords" field: Enter your comma-separated list of spam trigger words • "Text body to search" field: Input the cell content you want to checkThe action will return: ** Total count of matches ** List of keywords found * Detailed keyword object array with matches Source: Find Keywords with Clay

  • Avatar of Channeled

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