Hey. I want to start using Clay to find companies & new contacts for my own & my clients companies. However I'm concerned about paying for duplicate data... Since we already have lots of companies we got from Apollo & Instantly, want to find out is there a way to upload our existing Companies/Contacts to Clay & then exclude them when finding new prospects directly from Clay? If so, please let me know how.
๐ Hey there! Our support team has got your message - we'll be back in touch within 24 hours (often sooner!). If you haven't already, please include the URL of your table in this thread so that we can help you as quickly as possible!
Hey there Daniel thanks for reaching out, this can be done with Clay by uploading your exisitng Company and Contact data as a CSV in Clay, to create a exclusion Master table( there is also a CSV option for contacts as well a little further down the menu). https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1227994939/e3327ad157e0f655e6d5572f2594/image.png?expires=1729797300&signature=d66cf165e7b1abaa063a9008de7f28a44212071f4e16b452a7e35e1c7b4588cb&req=dSIlEcB3mYhcUPMW1HO4zRdWQj77HTWrbR3JmsCO%2Bap6%2BFWPI%2F%2BMjDASCtyX%0Axy8S%0A Then after generating a table in Clay with new company's and contacts, you can check for any duplicates in this new table by using our "Lookup up Multiple Rows in Other Table" integration. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1228016043/222ad24c4484bab299aa51debc4b/image.png?expires=1729797300&signature=199765c3ebe0d02f1135fa52a487c1e0e07300202b1c8be94d884af6a2cf6a59&req=dSIlHsl%2Fm4FbWvMW1HO4zcODY%2B7kjTyA1%2FKHiZIzN5tEbImF3KVlfqQwWI1H%0AID2V%0A What this integration does is that it you will give it a specific data point you want the integration to go and see if exists in a different table in your workspace; a data point such as company domain or name would be best here. And if it finds that this data point does exist in a different table you will know that you have a found a duplicate company and so you can go and remove it from your table so that you do not end up enriching data you already have. The following loom show show we can use the Lookup Integration for this exact scenario. https://www.loom.com/share/93a95ea928f546bb8f49453234554f88?sid=4d580509-15c2-4c7a-b128-72bbe7e39c09
Thanks! I'll try this out