can Use AI read through group column and look for info? Or do we need to extract each fields first?
You can use AI to read and analyze data directly from columns in Clay without needing to extract fields first. Here's how: 1. Use the "Add Column using AI" feature: โข Open your table โข Click "Add Column" > "Add Column using AI" โข Enter a description of what information you want to find โข Set up the parameters and saveWhen working with enrichment columns, you can reference data at different levels: ** Entire enrichment data ** Complete lists ** Individual list items ** Specific endpoints within itemsThe AI can help you extract specific insights, analyze content, and generate custom code to format, clean, and reshape your data exactly how you want it. This approach can be more efficient and cost-effective than processing each field separately. Sources: Add Column Using AI & Add New Rows AI Formulas + Conditional Runs [Clay 101] - Clay University Referencing dynamic data from other columns | Documentation | Clay University
Hey there as the AI message above mentioned these fields do not need to be extracted in order to be read. When setting up the AI column you can tell the AI where to look for the data that needs to be read in. You will hit forward slash and in the pop up menu that appears select the subfield of the column you wish for it to check.
Thanks Luis! My bad on the wording. Let me repharse it -- is it possible to have the AI to scan through entire group columns? For example, if a parent column has 5 fields in it, can AI scan the parent column and read all 5 at once? Or do I need to push them out to 5 independent columns first
Hey there no worries, this is possible as well when prompting with AI columns. Also will not that you can make use of our "Help Me" feature when prompting with an AI integration to better refine the prompt for the AI to use.
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