^ Clay tables saying credits charged when running own api keys
When you use your own API keys, you should not be charged any Clay credits for those specific actions.If you're seeing credit charges in your tables, it's likely because you're still using Clay's default API key instead of your own. Each data provider has a set cost per result when using Clay's API key.To ensure you're using your own API key:1. Go to your profile picture in the top right corner 2. Navigate to Settings 3. Go to the Connections section 4. Add your API keys thereOnce properly configured, the actions should run without consuming Clay credits, though you'll be charged directly by the service provider through your account with them.If you need further assistance with this issue, you can request human support by clicking on "Talk to a person" in the chat interface. Source: Do I get charged credits if I bring my own API key? - FAQ |
When using your own API keys, you should not be charged any Clay credits for those specific actions. Clay only charges credits when using Clay's shared API keys.If you're seeing charges while using your own API key, this may be incorrect. I recommend checking two things:1. Verify that your API key is properly connected in the workspace settings 2. Confirm that you're actually using your API key account rather than Clay's default shared key when running enrichmentsIf you're still being charged credits while using your own API key, this appears to be an error, as using your own API keys should be completely free of Clay credit charges. Sources: FAQ | Credits Calculator | Do I get charged credits if I bring my own API key? - FAQ |
I can see we've spent 10k credits but because of this, it's difficult to verify where from and 10k seems high.
While we don't currently have automatic table-wide credit spend reports, you can check your credit usage in two ways:1. For individual columns: • Right-click on a column • Select "Run Info" to see the credits spent on that specific column 2. For individual actions: • When using the enrichment panel, look for the green cost bubble on the far right of each action • This indicates the credit cost for each specific data point or actionKeep in mind that some data points are more expensive than others. For example:** Most actions cost 1-2 credits ** Email finding can cost 2-5 credits * Mobile phone numbers can range from 2-25 credits depending on the provider Sources: How Clay Credits Work Credits Calculator |
Hi J, thank you for reaching out. It seems like a lot of your credits were spent trying to find phone numbers on table t_45T5rFpUd8XA to enrich phone numbers., I attach some graphs below that show you where the credits were spent since Monday. I can also go back further in time if you need! Let me know if this helps!
Is this for the
Hey there J thanks for reaching out jumping in for Stefano here, question did this high credits usage occur recently over the past few days or is it from a week ago. Am seeing over 6000 credits used on the 27th of November for this table, however the majority of the usage was for Job openings and Tech Stack
Thanks, appreciated it's happened over a week
Hi, the file LuisArturo sent you should contain the usage of credits over time on your workspace. Let me know if there is anything else I can help you with!
Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!