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Best AI Services for Writing Email Intros with Apollo Integration


Hey All, might be a basic Q, but I'm getting started with using AI to write first lines of emails - I would like to draft lines based on basic enrichment from Apollo ie. contact location, etc. I'd like to hook up via API to save credits. -What service ie. GPT, Anthropic, etc. is recommended these days? -I haven't done a deep dive, but it seems like there are some barriers to getting an Anthropic API key (and i'm getting errors attempting to hook up my GPT key). Any recs based on this? Thanks

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    Both OpenAI (GPT) and Anthropic (Claude) are supported in Clay for generating email content. You can use either service by adding your own API keys to save Clay credits.For OpenAI integration, you can use the ChatGPT model through the OpenAI Chat Completions API. Similarly, Anthropic's Claude is available through their API for text generation tasks.If you're unsure which model to choose, you can compare their features: ** Review the model documentation for both OpenAI and Anthropic to understand their capabilities ** Test different models to see which best suits your workflowFor API connection errors, make sure you're: 1. Using the correct API key for the specific service 2. Properly configuring the API integration in Clay Sources: ChatGPT: Generate text with OpenAI/GPT Guide: Ways to save Clay credits | Documentation | Clay University Claude: Generate text with Anthropic Use AI integration overview | Documentation | Clay University

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