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Filtering Company List by Excluding Specific Job Titles


Can we filter a company list to see if a company does not have a certain job title

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    You can use the Job Title Exclude Keywords feature to filter out specific job titles from your search. Simply enter one or more comma-separated keywords that shouldn't be in the person's job title.For example, if you want to exclude certain roles, you can use the exclusion filters for titles. If you included "Sales" as a keyword in Job Title, but then excluded "Ops" and "Operations", you would get mostly customer-facing sellers in your list.Note that Find People does not support semantic search, which means variations of job titles (like "Revenue Operations", "RevOps", "Rev Operations") are treated as entirely different titles. Make sure to include all variations of the job titles you want to exclude. Sources: Find People [Clay 101] - Clay University Find Active Job Openings with Companies, People, Jobs Find People overview | Documentation | Clay University

  • Avatar of Ravi P.
    Ravi P.

    No i mean in the Company table i want to know which company does not have a certain role

  • Avatar of Channeled

    To find companies that don't have a specific job title, you can use a combination of approaches: 1. Use the Find Contacts at Company feature with: โ€ข Enter the job title you're looking for in "Job Title Keywords" โ€ข Link this search to your Company table 2. Then you can filter your Company table to exclude companies where these job titles were found. You can do this by using the Exclude Companies feature, which allows you to remove specific companies from your search results by referencing other Clay tables containing previous searches.Note that when searching job titles, by default the system treats similar titles as the same (e.g., "SWE" and "Software Engineer"). If you need exact matching, make sure to enable the "Exact keyword match" option. Sources: Find Contacts at Company with Companies, People, Jobs Find Company overview | Documentation | Clay University Find People overview | Documentation | Clay University

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