on a sheet i want to number 1000+ accounts 1-4 to group them, whats the best way to do this, no relevance to which accounts get which number
Here's how you can assign random numbers 1-4 to your accounts: 1. Add a new column to your table by: ā¢ Scrolling to the right and clicking "Add Column" or ā¢ Using the dropdown menu on an existing column and selecting "Insert right/left" 2. Select "Formula" as the column type 3. In the AI Formula Generator box, you can type something like "Generate a random number between 1 and 4" and click "Generate Formula" 4. Review the sample output to ensure it's generating numbers 1-4 as desired, then click "Save Formula"This will automatically assign random numbers 1-4 to all your accounts, creating the groups you need. Sources: Formulas Table columns overview | Documentation | Clay University
Simplest is to write 1, 2, 3, 4 in a google sheets column and paste in clay
The simplest way to group your accounts in Clay is to: 1. Click "Add Column" above your table 2. Copy and paste your numbers 1-4 sequence from Google Sheets into the new column 3. Use the Filter feature to organize and view your grouped accounts: ā¢ Click "Filter" above the table ā¢ Select your new number column ā¢ Use "equal to" to filter for specific groups (1, 2, 3, or 4) Source: Hide, Re-order, Sort, Filter, Merge Columns
Hey Josephine, I think an easy lazy option is to use a formula to randomly choose a number. Good option if you don't need strictly even distribution. Something like... Math.floor(Math.random() * 4) + 1 ...could do the trick.
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