Hey, I'm wondering whether I could add a whole new google sheet? as an enrichment. not just add row to existing one. Assuming this doesn't exist but wanted to ask thanks
Yes, you can import an entire Google Sheet as a data source in Clay. Here's how:1. For a new table: ā¢ Go to your Workspace Home ā¢ Click "+ Create new" ā¢ Search for "Google Sheets" to import your data 2. For an existing table: ā¢ Open your table ā¢ Select "Actions > Import" ā¢ Configure Google Sheets as your data sourceAfter selecting your Google Sheets account, you'll need to:** Paste your Google Spreadsheet URL (can be any sheet you have read access to) ** Select the Sheet ID ** Optionally specify which fields to return ** Optionally set filters for rows to importBy default, you can import up to 50,000 rows from a Google Sheet. Source: Google Sheets - Clay University
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nope, not within clay but maybe using google sheets api within clay using HTTP API integration
Thanks man