Hey team! I enriched a company table with news, I got results that I would like to filter with keywords, it seems to be working, but it's not returning a link. Can you help me, please? https://app.clay.com/workspaces/45198/tables/t_EaJzr3YOWnd2/views/gv_kqvSC1OMAzah
Hey Tarek, Sorry for the delay! I am checking your table now. Just to confirm, do you want to pull the news links out news search results and scrape that to check for specific keywords? or stringify the entire array, search and filter based on a specific set of keywords?
Hey Daniela D.! It would be great if I could use the waterfall to detect news on the web based on keywords, I don't know if that's possible ? but I still want news on this company if there are no results linked to the keywords, I guess the first solution matches best my need as I still want to be exhaustive in terms of results
Hey Tarek! Sorry for the delay๐๐ฝ. Thanks for sharing. It is possible to apply a keyword/news category. Predict leads has an option for you to choose the news categories it pulls into your table. The Google News lets you add company name, domain and the news type (ex:funding round) to the query, and it will enrich based on that. In this instance, where you want company news outside your preferred categories, I would start with a general search with the waterfall enrichment. The next step would depend on how you want to use the data. You can do a keyword search (with the snippets or title) to identify the news category using just the most recent news link in item 0 (see screenshot). You can also use AI to summarize the news and return a short sentence about it.Let me know how you'd like to proceed. Thanks!