Hi guys, I've just purchased a clay plan, and I'm looking for help with the following (the best and easiest way to do it) I want to build a table that identifies companies hiring Sales Managers in UK and Ireland (with the job ad being advertised recently, say within the last two weeks) Then with that list, I need to filter down the companies with the following criteria;
100-250 employees,
Must be a B2B company
Must not be a recruitment agency.
Anybody able to support?
👋 Hey there! Our support team has got your message - we'll be back in touch within 24 hours (often sooner!). If you haven't already, please include the URL of your table in this thread so that we can help you as quickly as possible!
Hey there Dylan thanks for reaching out, to start off you would need to begin my searching for Companies that fit your requirements. This can be done by selecting the "Find Company" feature. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1231994226/53d52b26243262a2ad9fe3cbf95f/image.png?expires=1730158200&signature=5a8aed4f650eeecc5bde21585f070ddbd42607154d13f758c2f0c045ad9d9a2d&req=dSIkF8B3mYNdX%2FMW1HO4zdgQUacA1zMKJMJKjrsleOCf0a10ea0MUVh7pP0S%0AfjyQ%0A From you can enter in your criteria such as Company Size and location, you can even further narrow your search by including or excluding industries and keywords. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1231995059/f1e16f9c2589d179bac7cde696f2/image.png?expires=1730158200&signature=622117b5cd119aaca2ab9fc70ce288ea6db8c3488bf7ee4f0fcc1591078197e1&req=dSIkF8B3mIFaUPMW1HO4zVLGS833WEvHisOzrnSUN4fl%2FodCdUW85B05f0eV%0Arn5r%0A After this table is generated with your companies, you can go and create a new table to "Find Jobs" from your workspace menu. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1231995876/034635bee2782329c9b697f9db15/image.png?expires=1730158200&signature=1025a3b7365e1bff922cae3c76261db5c3eff528f40930e8b15c4aac6ff314e9&req=dSIkF8B3mIlYX%2FMW1HO4zfrqHvlUjipgchCw1pYWTYyRS9hiVyQvHMb4mjyQ%0Ans0S%0A From here you can choose to select a table of Companies to search for jobs for. So using our previously constructed UK and Ireland company table, we can then start searching for jobs by Job Title and also filter for posting date as well https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1231997219/40de21fc0083a53b133cfcab8647/image.png?expires=1730158200&signature=1a1bb4563c1e53d7c2b940a2b8104797654c8462b6d6da5cd871f51e34b53677&req=dSIkF8B3moNeUPMW1HO4zWseHwxA8ZBRUE57QNBwUMH%2FDL%2B%2Fh4AfQVUEXepR%0AHQFS%0A
Thanks man! How do I filter companies who B2B only?
Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.
Hey Dylan, you can actually use the Claygent prompt template for determining if a company is B2B or B2C and run this column on all the companies you find. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1234237185/046ab3f3fa4753afc81db5aaaa5f/CleanShot+2024-10-30+at+12_33_36%402x.png?expires=1730307600&signature=0bfcbd1ed8f59b610c99869dd29a1dd310371ee46ca502f6d20c52af53bb9e05&req=dSIkEst9moBXXPMW1HO4zUqKNvEOQR7FwZor42%2F5bXCjfFFiQ8pYX2u7JFiB%0AMAxZ%0A From here, you can apply a filter or conditional formula to only view or enrich the companies that are B2B! Here's a tutorial on how to set up conditional runs. Let me know if this makes sense and if you have any other questions!
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!