Why are my final city / final state formulas not automatically updating?
This could be related to the auto-update setting in your table. By default, columns will automatically update when new rows are added, but you need to make sure the auto-update toggle is enabled for your formulas. If auto-update is turned off, you might experience stale data problems.You can check and manage auto-update settings in your column configuration. For more details about how auto-update works, you can read the guide at: https://docs.clay.com/en/articles/9642165-auto-update-and-auto-dedupe-table Sources: RocketReach integration overview | Clay University HTTP API integration overview | Clay University
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Mathew, editing and re-saving the "Final City" and "Final State" columns (without changes) allowed them to populate, where relevant data was available. While the chain of relationships is not easy to see, this appears to be rooted in "stale data". One common/potential cause of stale data is when auto-update is disabled and data changes (so cells are not updated), or when a enrichment definition changes (e.g. a new prompt in an AI column), but is selectively run. From what I can see, our engineers have this as an item on the backlog to make more transparent. No specific timeline for that work, but it will be evaluated as they plan out future updates. If you see this in the future, though, editing and re-saving the merge columns should clear it up.
Got it. In this specific situation, can you identify what's making those cells stale / why they're not auto-updating?
We don't have a good view on edit history, so it will remain a bit speculative. Formula and merge fields update when all their inputs have resolved (have run/aren't stale). What prompted me to re-save the column, was when I tried editing the Extracted City/Extracted State cells. E.g clearing a cell value, and then resetting it to the original. I saw the merge field update in response. So it seemed it was just looking for a "cue" that those Extract X/Company X fields were fresh.
Yes -- the issue is there were/are specific examples where the "input fields" were populated (not stale) and the formula still wasn't updating
This is an issue bc it stops the enrichment from proceeding
Hey there Mathew thanks for reaching out, jumping in for Mark here, totally understand this a roadblock when working on tables. As Mark mentioned the team does have this as something that will be addressed in the future.
Got it โ so identified bug in progress
Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!