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  • Avatar of Theo K.
    Theo K.

    i hadn’t logged in for a while

  • Avatar of Theo K.
    Theo K.

    Can you explain what other emails?

  • Avatar of Theo K.
    Theo K.
    1. 1.

      bill.kaltsidis is an ex employee of ours. He might have abused the system but I am not sure. these are emails 1,3,4

    2. 2. no idea but i’d guess it’s something that bill is related to

    3. 3. is a paid account for a company i work with

    4. 4.

      tkanellopoulos@fliplet is the account I created before buying with

    5. 5. and is the same email which i was using with which i created accounts to enroll into the microsfoy fors startups program after your advice.

    6. 6. is my personal email which also have used

  • Avatar of Theo K.
    Theo K.

    the reason why i am intrested in this particular account is that we had made it eligible for microsoft for startups and i was about to add credit card.

  • Avatar of Theo K.
    Theo K.

    Thanks Arturo O. and hope you’re doing well. 🙂 I think it should be IP-based rather than account-based and people connected with IPs because for example I had my ex-employee probably creating lots of accounts which blocked mine. Anyhow thanks a lot and appreciate your help. I’ve fallen in love with clay and you’re the one who convinced me using it. After Bill S. of course who first mentioned it 🙂