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Request for Loom on Using AI in Clay for Cold Outreach Emails


Can someone from the Clay team please send me a link/ create a loom for me showing me the following:

  • How to use AI within Clay to write copy for a personalized first email for cold outreach

  • How to then put that email into a sequence in HubSpot, sending to the emails that Clay found for me. In other words, I have my prospects names, emails, and LinkedIn profiles. Next I would like to leverage Clay's AI capabilities to write an email to each person. I would then like to put that copy into a sequence in HubSpot Sales to be sent to each person automatically.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. If someone can send me a loom that would be great, or if it would be easier to set up a meeting with me I can also do that and share my screen. Thank you!

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Here's how to use Clay's AI for personalized cold outreach and integrate with HubSpot: 1. Draft Personalized Emails: • Use our AI integrations (ChatGPT/Claude) within Clay to draft personalized email content based on the research data in your tables. 2. Connect to HubSpot: • Once you have your personalized messages ready, you can connect them to HubSpot as your email sending tool. • In Clay, you'll need to: • Add the HubSpot enrichment • Select your campaign • Map essential fields like email addresses, names, and company names • Add custom fields that match your HubSpot sequence variables (like subject_line and email_body) • Map these custom fields to the columns in your Clay table containing your AI-generated content 3. Push to HubSpot: • After setting up the integration and mapping all necessary fields, you can push your data from Clay to HubSpot • Use HubSpot's automation features to send the emails through your sequenceFor detailed examples of AI email personalization, you can check out our blog post at Sources: FAQ | Personalized Outreach Personalized Direct Email Campaigns Step-By-Step Walkthrough with SmartLead [Automated Outbound] - Clay University Push Data To Your Email Sequencer [Clay 101] - Clay University Outbound Plays - The GTM with Clay Blog

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!

  • Avatar of Rebecca G.
    Rebecca G.

    Thank you

  • Avatar of Channeled

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