Hey team, what's the difference between Employee Count by Role vs Employee Count by Criteria?
Employee Count by Criteria offers more advanced filtering capabilities than Employee Count by Role:1. With Employee Count by Criteria, you can combine multiple filters including: • Role/job titles • Locations • Time in current role • Languages • Education (school names) • Certifications • Company size • Description keywords 2. The search can be refined using parameters such as: • Company domain • Company social profile • Stock ticker • Company name • Minimum likelihood score for matchingFor example, you could find the number of data scientists at a specific company who have been in their role for a certain period, are located in particular cities, or have specific certifications. Sources: Get Employee Count by Criteria with People Data Labs Find Employee Headcount by Criteria with Companies, People, Jobs
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Thanks! So why would anyone use Employee Count by Role? They cost same amount of credits