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HG Insights Feature Error: Why Is Additional Source Creation Restricted?


Hi i just tried to use the HG Insights feature to get a list of companies using a set of technologies, after spending a long time selecting them all I received this error "Failed to create new source, please check that your plan allows additional sources" Why would my plan not allow this feature - i have 20k credits?

  • Avatar of Channeled

    The error you're seeing might be related to the credit cost of your HG Insights search rather than your total credit balance. HG Insights charges credits based on both the number of companies returned AND the number of technologies in your search criteria. For example: ** Searching for 100 companies using one technology costs 800 credits ** Searching for 100 companies using two technologies costs 1,600 creditsTo manage credit usage, you can: 1. Use the "Maximum Credit Cost" field to set a credit cap for your search 2. Reduce the number of technologies in your search criteria 3. Lower the "Max Companies" limit in your searchThis will help ensure your search stays within your available credit balance. Source: HG Insights integration overview | Documentation | Clay University

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    Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!

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