Issue with Phone Number Watermark Feature and Merge Column Errors
hello. I'm having an issue with your phone number watermark feature. I edited the enrichments in it, and now I can't get the merge final column to work properly. I've tried everything; I've even spoken to my Clay consultant externally who taught me how to use Clay. He told me that he's had the exact same issues before and that all of the avenues I'm trying to do to remedy it, he'd tried too and he mentioned that he spoke to you and you were able to help solve it from the backend this is the table the column is right at the end "Mobile WATERFALL MERGE 1" , i simple want that to merge the values from the remaining mobile number finding enrichments and not have any errors, thanks in advance for your help. As a side note, due to these limitations, I won't be using the mobile number waterfall feature again. I'll instead try to build it myself. Hopefully you guys can fix this feature, as it's not a good sign that myself and another power user don't use it for this exact reason. We must have flexibility that's the whole beauty of your system, and right now we don't have any flexibility. It certainly doesn't make sense to have the most high credit using provider Data GMA at the start