Hi, apparently something went wrong when running a waterfall to find work emails. https://app.clay.com/workspaces/150385/tables/t_njQtdF8ATffN/views/gv_pi7pXTZ4YvFt
If you're experiencing issues with your email waterfall, it's likely due to running out of API credits with your email verification provider. When this happens, you'll need to:1. Purchase additional credits from your email verification provider 2. Go to your first waterfall column 3. Select "Run all rows that haven't run or have errors" to process only the failed entriesNote that sometimes the waterfall may continue running even after finding an email - this typically means an email was found but failed the validation check. This is part of our quality control process to ensure you receive the highest quality data. Source: Enrich People (Waterfalls) [Clay 101] - Clay University
I explicitely set the boundaries: do not run if status is valid
only run if email is invalid or catchall
and somehow the software ran all the rows
Here you can see that some rows did not run because my formula
This behavior occurs because the waterfall continues running even after finding an email when that email fails the validation check. Even if an email is found by a data provider, if it doesn't pass validation, the waterfall will continue searching for a valid email. Source: Enrich People (Waterfalls) [Clay 101] - Clay University
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