Is there a way to have the error populate in a cell? I am trying to generate a formula and cant seem to find the right one. The end goal is to have the "Id" populate in a field
Here's how to create a formula that displays an ID or error message: 1. Add a new column and select Formula
2. In the AI Formula Generator box:
โข Use "/" to reference your ID column
โข Type your desired error handling logicYou can structure your formula like this: LBKSIF({{id}} == "") THEN "Error: Missing ID" ELSE {{id}}LBKS
This will display the ID when present, and show a clear error message when the ID is missing.The formula follows an if-else structure where you can: ** Reference your ID column using "/"
** Apply comparison operators (like equals, not equals)
* Return different values based on the condition
Conditional runs | Documentation | Clay University
Conditional statements | Documentation | Clay University
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