Hey playing around with Clay and I might of not been so careful on how I experimented with credits. Anyone have any solutions?
Here are some best practices to help manage your credit usage and prevent unintended credit depletion: 1. Turn off auto-update for your tables: ā¢ Click the three dots next to your table name ā¢ Select "Auto-Update Columns" ā¢ Toggle it off while building your table 2. Always test enrichments on a small sample first: ā¢ Start with about 10 rows before running the entire column ā¢ This helps identify and fix any errors in advance ā¢ For AI enrichments, test and refine your prompts before full deployment 3. Use AI formulas instead of AI integrations where possible: ā¢ AI formulas are credit-free ways to format, clean, and reshape your data ā¢ This can save hundreds or thousands of credits compared to using AI integrations 4. When importing new lists, avoid auto-adding enrichments: ā¢ Skip the auto-add enrichment options during import ā¢ This prevents accidentally burning credits on unnecessary enrichments Sources: Guide: Ways to save Clay credits | Documentation | Clay University AI Formulas + Conditional Runs [CRM Enrichment] - Clay University Find Companies [Clay 101] - Clay University
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Thank you Clay Support and also did some digging and found the link "Run out of Credits" https://www.clay-cohorts.com/credit-refresh