Hi everyone, I want to update my table contents but when I edit the source, it simply adds the new results to the old ones. I would prefer to just have the ones from the new search, can anyone help me with this please? It's this table: https://app.clay.com/workspaces/346206/tables/t_DKDYSpviKx22/views/gv_QxtKzCZ78k6B
To update your table with only new search results, you can modify your existing source:1. Click on the Source Column in your table 2. Select "Sources" from the menu 3. Click on the source you want to modify 4. Click "Edit source" in the right panel 5. Update your search criteria as needed 6. Click "Submit" to refresh the source with your new configurationFor better control over updates, you can also manage the auto-update settings. This feature automatically runs all columns when rows are added or edited. You can enable or disable it through your table settings dropdown to control when updates occur. Sources: Sources overview | Documentation | Clay University Configuring your table settings | Documentation | Clay University
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