does anyone know of a way to find a business’s google maps page link with domain, company name, and addresses as input without using clay credits?
You can use our "Find Businesses using Google Maps" integration to search for the business. Here's how: 1. Input the following information: • Location (required): Enter the business address • Search Query (required): Include the company name • Number of results (optional): Defaults to maximum 200 resultsThe integration will use Google Places API to find the business and return relevant information.For more precise results, you can also include: ** Company website ** Company latitude/longitude coordinates * Additional keywords to refine the searchNote: Using the Preferred Google API option will provide more accurate results and can return over 200 results, though it costs 1 credit per result. Sources: Find Business Reviews Information with Google Find Businesses using Google Maps with Google Find Local Businesses using Google Maps with Google
found it
Great! I'm glad I could help. I'm here if you have any more questions.
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Thank you so much for sharing your feedback Brandon G.!