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How to Find a Business's Google Maps Link Using Domain and Address


does anyone know of a way to find a business’s google maps page link with domain, company name, and addresses as input without using clay credits?

  • Avatar of Kaushik K.
    Kaushik K.
  • Avatar of Channeled

    You can use our "Find Businesses using Google Maps" integration to search for the business. Here's how: 1. Input the following information: • Location (required): Enter the business address • Search Query (required): Include the company name • Number of results (optional): Defaults to maximum 200 resultsThe integration will use Google Places API to find the business and return relevant information.For more precise results, you can also include: ** Company website ** Company latitude/longitude coordinates * Additional keywords to refine the searchNote: Using the Preferred Google API option will provide more accurate results and can return over 200 results, though it costs 1 credit per result. Sources: Find Business Reviews Information with Google Find Businesses using Google Maps with Google Find Local Businesses using Google Maps with Google

  • Avatar of Kaushik K.
    Kaushik K.

    found it

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Great! I'm glad I could help. I'm here if you have any more questions.

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Hi Kaushik K.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback: