Hey I keep having rate limit errors on using the mobile phone waterfall with the only validation option available: https://clearoutphone.io/
can i solved this by using my own api key?
eg. get my own plan?
Flo try sureconnect.ai.
I think Clearout only validates the phone number is valid meaning the right format, whereas sureconnect actually calls the number to test if it's the right person. I ran a test with Clay on their mobile providers, only ~37% of the numbers are accurate on average, which means sales wastes 2/3rds of their day on bad numbers. Sureconnect numbers are usually 90% accurate and can 2-3x connect rates
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My service (Sculpted) does Clay table account and contact list building for sales teams. We run all of our numbers through Sureconnect and the sales teams love the numbers... 8-10% connect rates are common with this strategy
would love to try but can i do it via api call? i don't see it in the native integrations, so i guess a HTTP api call....
Sureconnect has an API
you can also test it with their frontend dashboard
interesting found them in the api connections list
awesome, good luck!
strange it's not listed as validation provider in the waterfall
yeah I'm not sure why it's not front and center yet
ok so i will just build my own waterfall & use that 🙂 thx let's see
good luck
The Sureconnect API doesn't return results immediately because they actually call the numbers
so it takes some time
I've not used the API yet although plan to use it soon, I usually just use their frontend app after enriching the whole list with Clay
Hey there Florian thanks for reaching out and appreciate you jumping in Jacob! Do you still need help addressing this Florian?
yeah sureconnect didnt work so anotyer recommendations.
dont really feel like download/upload for verifications
i was expecting clay key to have no rate limit issues
Could you post a link to the table where you are experiencing the issue with the rate limits so that we can take a look.
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