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LinkedIn Profile Scraping Issues with RapidAPI Explained


not sure what this means... I'm doing some LinkedIn profile scraping using a rapidapi API. It's been working up until now on my other tables

  • Avatar of Channeled

    The "failed to parse body" error typically indicates there's an issue with the JSON formatting in your API request body. Here's how to resolve it: 1. Check your JSON formatting: ā€¢ Ensure all strings are enclosed in quotes ā€¢ Remove any trailing commas ā€¢ Verify proper syntax for numbers and booleans (no quotes needed)Quick troubleshooting steps: ** Look for hidden characters or extra spaces ** Verify all keys are properly separated by commas * Double-check your brackets and colonsFor a quick fix, try pasting your JSON data into a validator like JSONLint to spot formatting issues.Note: Keep in mind that LinkedIn data might be limited or inaccurate since data providers don't use active sessions or cookies to scrape LinkedIn data live - some fields are only visible when logged in. Sources: FAQ: Why am I seeing the "failed to parse body" error when using the HTTP API enrichment? HTTP API with JWT authentication | Documentation | Clay University

  • Avatar of Channeled

    To resolve the "failed to parse body" error, check these key areas in your API request body: 1. Text Formatting: ā€¢ Ensure all text values are enclosed in double quotes ā€¢ Example: "name": "John" instead of name: John 2. Syntax Elements: ā€¢ Remove any trailing commas at the end of objects ā€¢ Verify proper comma separation between keys ā€¢ Check for correct placement of colons and brackets 3. Data Cleanup: ā€¢ Copy your body content into a text editor to spot any hidden characters ā€¢ If using dynamic column values, make sure they're properly quoted ā€¢ For combined values, create a Formula column firstFor quick validation, paste your JSON data into a tool like JSONLint to identify formatting issues. Sources: HTTP API integration overview | Documentation | Clay University FAQ: Why am I seeing the "failed to parse body" error when using the HTTP API enrichment?

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!

  • Avatar of Tanvi R.
    Tanvi R.

    Hi Benyamin, thanks for reaching out! Clay has a hard cell size limit of 8KB (or 8,000 characters) for all cells. This is a core system constraint we can't modify

  • Avatar of Tanvi R.
    Tanvi R.

    To workaround this error, we recommend that you parse the data before pulling it into your clay table

  • Avatar of Benyamin H.
    Benyamin H.
    Ā· this is the API if it matters and this is a successful pull from another table doing the same thing - when cells are formatted like this does it not change the way that limit is calculated?

  • Avatar of Tanvi R.
    Tanvi R.

    Benyamin, could you send this table url?

  • Avatar of Channeled

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