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please resolve this issue


please resolve this issue

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Based on the information I've found about your query, it seems you might be experiencing a "failed to parse body" error when using the HTTP API enrichment. Here are some steps to resolve this issue: 1. Ensure all text is in quotes, especially when using dynamic column values. 2. Remove any extra commas at the end of your JSON data. 3. Double-check your data format before sending it. 4. Pay attention to punctuation and syntax, ensuring keys are separated by commas and there are no extra spaces, colons, or brackets. 5. Check for hidden characters by pasting your body into a text editor. 6. Verify that you're providing the correct API key.If you're still having trouble, you can try using a JSON validator like JSONLint or ask an AI language model to help spot and fix JSON formatting issues.Can you provide more details about the specific error message you're seeing or the part of the process where you're encountering the issue? Sources: FAQ: Why am I seeing the "failed to parse body" error when using the HTTP API enrichment? HTTP API with JWT authentication | Documentation | Clay University HTTP API integration overview | Documentation | Clay University

  • Avatar of Channeled

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