Is there a way to select a different person to fill the table cells when you're trying to find contact at a company? For example, when 22 people are found it automatically gives me the first person when the 3rd person result is actually better and I'd like the table to populate with that info.
When using the Find People Search tool, you can follow these steps to control which contacts appear in your results: 1. Start by defining your search parameters and filters (like job title, experience, etc.) to narrow down to the most relevant contacts. 2. Click "Preview People" to review the search results before importing them. 3. In the preview window, you can review the data quality and adjust your filters if needed to ensure you're getting the most relevant contacts. 4. Once you're satisfied with the results, you can import them into your table.Note that you can also set limits on your results, including an overall record limit and a per-company limit, to better control which contacts appear in your results. Source: Find People overview | Documentation | Clay University
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