hi team - I tried to use the lookup feature and I'm feeding the output of this as input to generate an email - however the text looks like its only partially filled out and the email isn't picking up the content from this field as a result final people table
💤 You've caught us outside of our support hours (9am-9pm EST), but don't worry - we'll be back in touch within 24 hours (often sooner!). If you haven't already, please include the URL of your table in the thread below so that we can help you as quickly as possible!
Hi Shwetha! Thank you for reaching out to us. I was able to replicate the issue you mentioned, but it seems to only occur for a specific cell. However, I found that manually creating a formula and mapping the response worked for me. You can refer to the "ClaySupport_Company News" column in the company table for an example. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1209943183/3e5cfc3e303937a390d7b588a819/Arc_8IUvzeiV1W.png?expires=1728473400&signature=bab1ac88bf1238e2a63504bac027be791f433a25a4d13f56c7b195855b0f96f8&req=dSInH8B6noBXWvMW1HO4zf8WPKlZFShHzXeWRn4X3zEE8mx1v8oblo1awloD%0AzQX1%0A I'll check with our team to see if this is a normal behavior. If not, engineering will look at this. In the meantime, could you please try manually copying and pasting the full news summary into the cell? I apologize for any inconvenience.
Hey Shwetha, I just wanted to follow up—sorry for any earlier confusion! 😊 This issue is similar to the one explained here: Loom Video. The reason you’re seeing this is that the Integration column only displays partial results of the text. To view the full text, you’ll need to export the results, which will allow the lookup to access the complete data. Hope this helps, and let me know if you have any more questions! 😊
Thanks Bo - does this mean I cannot reference this column into an Anthropic generate text instruction?
will only the partial info get into the instruction as a result?
I was referencing the lookup field in the generate email and now I have 100s of rows with no email generated - and company news cleaned thats being update from a write on the company table isnt getting refreshed
thanks for your suggestion Daniel! This worked - QQ : Can I set off bulk operations based on a condition? For instance if I want 100 rows to be rerun can I do that? The thing is this table has more than 15k records and we can't afford to "auto update" all these 15k for any kinda sizeable / minor changes we make to an enrichment! Lmk thanks 🙂
Hey Shwetha! Answering your questions one by one: 1. If you are looking to reference one of output fields of your ChatGPT column in an Anthropic column, its best to add this field as a column and then reference it in your Anthropic prompt 2. As long as you reference the mapped out field, the full information will be inputted into the Anthropic prompt as a result! 3. If you are looking to re-runcells in bulk, the best approach is going to the column menu > selecting run column > choose number of rows to run. From here, you can specify which row to start with and how many rows you'd like to re-run. In the future, I'd recommend adding conditional formulasto your enrichments so they can only run once a specific condition has been met and avoid unnecessary re-runs. You can also use the AI formula generator to write these conditions for you. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1211708635/7e755b1a71ccf9b765c5050223fd/CleanShot+2024-10-10+at+12_06_20%402x.png?expires=1728578700&signature=f029372e43bcbac8c6f4353f690c575f729bba14a6329289d2fb556c23cf0824&req=dSImF85%2BlYdcXPMW1HO4zTrMaFDAhIF%2FN4iVMPWMKQyaIII2WuzNhru5BKiS%0A7JY9%0A https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1211712062/573d5a2c19fdae43cd15bdebc9c2/CleanShot+2024-10-10+at+12_09_04%402x.png?expires=1728578700&signature=6b060051eb8790eae7750580e3f25906a479be446749c61af0ed6da84f7c3b5f&req=dSImF85%2Fn4FZW%2FMW1HO4zZOZzE3affjFDiQ%2Fs3oIAEaFgJZ7sc%2Fiv9mzNICL%0AEdSa%0A Let me know if you have any other questions! 😊
Thanks Tanvi - The case where I want to run x rows based on a conditional, I dont think Clay allows to use the "Use AI" to say - only run if created date is greater than xyz The problem I'm trying to solve is - for instance if I make a change to the anthropic or gpt email instruction, and I want all rows for this week alone to rerun how can I do this efficiently? esp when there are 1000s of rows that need to run
Hey Shwetha :) Absolutely, there you go: https://cln.sh/dtNSHYkW
Thanks Bo 🙂
Hi Shwetha R.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback:
Thank you so much for sharing your feedback Shwetha R.!