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Questions about Using Multiple Filters and Updating Parameters in Find People Functionality


Hello ,I have a couple questions about the Find people functionality (starting from a Company table)

  1. 1.

    Using multiple filters: Is it possible to use multiple filters with an OR logic rather than an AND logic (which seems to be the case by default unless I’m mistaken)

  • A use case I have is that I’m looking for people involved in M&A within some companies. I use the job titles as the main way to look them up but this is not something that we can always understand from the job title so I would also like to include people who might not have a matching title byt have “M&A” in their experience, or bio. Is there a way to do this?

  1. 2.

    Updating the parameters of an existing Find People search: I have a People table that was generated using the Find people function based on a Company table. Is there a way to

  • Check exactly what filters were used to generate that table (e.g., if I want to check what job titles I used to generate an existing table)

  • Update the filters used to generate an existing people table and have it automatically update to include any additional matches from the update

Thanks 🙏

  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    Hey there Aida sorry for the delay taking a look.

  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    So the logic for the search is based on Or logic, so if you would want to find people with "M&A" in their experience can type it in the keywords for experience, headline and about section.

    aea7c194-0939-4682-a308-bff20890060e.png(110 kB)
  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    So on a table were these parameter were used if you click the on the left most column header that contains the row data, you will see a popup menu with the option "Sources" select this and it will show the parameters used to generate the list.

    a5ea112f-d3ed-4744-a8ea-1deba7407aac.png(37 kB)
  • Avatar of Aida

    Thanks LuisArturo! On the second point, is it possible to adjust the parameters once the list has been generated and have it update automatically? (say I realize I forgot to include some job titles and I don’t want to start from scratch, just want to add those titles to the list)

  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    Sorry for the delay unfortunately the search cannot be adjusted after the list is generated.