I'm using the phantombuster integration, but can't seem to get my table to import the latest results from phantombuster. I'm using "watcher mode" in phantombuster and am hoping that each time a new record is created in the pb table it will also be created in my clay table. However, it seems that the integration requires me to manually rerun the integration. Is this correct?
Yes, you'll need to run the Pull Data action to fetch new data from Phantombuster into your Clay table. You have two options when pulling data:1. Enable auto-update in your Clay table, which will automatically run the PhantomBuster action for new rows. 2. Use the "Only Fetch Latest Container" option when configuring the Pull Data action to ensure you're getting the most recent data from your Phantombuster agent.While Phantombuster's watcher mode will continue collecting data on their end, you'll need to use one of these methods to sync that data to Clay. If you want to automate this process, you can set up conditional formulas to trigger the data pull when certain conditions are met. Sources: Phantombuster integration overview | Documentation | Clay University Pull Data with PhantomBuster
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