Hi Team getting a "Missing Authentification" error when doing a SF lookup. Can you help me understand why?
Hey there Eamon thanks for reaching out, this is occurring due to the fact that there were blank characters in the ID which the SF lookup was not able to read. Using a "Remove Extra Whitespace" integration to clean up the Account IDs and then running them through a second SF lookup, we can see that the results are now being found, since the additional whitespace character are gone. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1233102208/943e6bc805a4756741e35fbb4d36/image.png?expires=1730230200&signature=926cd6a8391fdb92c51f7b27b45ac731f03a068cc4526b7cdfb1aaa94750e83a&req=dSIkFch%2Bn4NfUfMW1HO4zVGOD7ZJZ3VCQwg5nC%2F397nCoTh5JGqrTMPklRAs%0ApaVy%0A
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!