Connecting Clay to ZoomInfo: Troubleshooting API Authentication Issues
Hi there 👋 I am looking for help in connecting Clay to my existing integration of ZoomInfo. My use case is that I have a Clay table of Accounts. I want to connect Clay to ZI so that I can take those Accounts and find contacts in ZI for each Account. But I'm getting stuck just trying to set up the connection. I know that I need to use HTTP API with JWT Authentication for this. And I have the api documentation from ZI. I feel like I need to break this down into two steps with Step 1 being to Authenticate into ZI and Step 2 being the actual Contact Search. When I start Step 1 to authenticate into ZI, I choose POST and the endpoint of then I use the Additional Header to put in a key of Content-Type and a value of application/json. Then in the Body, I input the username and password. I save the settings and run the column. And I get an error saying Authentication failed. Has anyone done this successfully that could help me see exactly what to put in each field?