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Error Extracting Facebook Page ID from Profile Transparency URL


I am trying this prompt: "check /ProfileTransparencyURL and exttract the facebook page id. give the output in a new collum. as output just give the page id" I get many errors with "The request was to extract the Facebook page ID from the provided URL. However, the information compiled suggests that the Facebook page ID is not directly available from the page itself or from the context given. It indicates that to retrieve the page ID, one would likely need to visit the page or inspect its HTML source code manually. Since I was unable to extract the actual page ID, 'N/A' is provided as the response." even though the page is accesible and also shows the page id directly

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    When extracting data from URLs in Clay, there are a few approaches you can try to successfully get the Facebook page ID: 1. Use the ScrapeMagic integration with these steps: ā€¢ Select "Parse Data from URL" action ā€¢ Enter your URL in the URL field ā€¢ In "Fields to Extract", specify a field name for the Facebook ID and describe what to extract ā€¢ Optionally, use the DOM Content Selector to target the specific element containing the ID 2. Alternatively, try using Clay Scrapers with these adjustments: ā€¢ Add a delay before scraping (up to 10 seconds) to ensure the page loads completely ā€¢ Map the specific field containing the Facebook ID using the Chrome Extension first ā€¢ Then use the "Find Data from Page" action to extract the mapped dataIf you're still experiencing issues, you may need to verify that you have the correct permissions to access the Facebook page and that the page ID is publicly visible. Sources: Parse Data from URL with ScrapeMagic ScrapeMagic integration overview | Documentation | Clay University Find Data from Page with Clay Scrapers

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