Hi, I can't figure out why, but I have a table that is not parsing a column from the company table to the people table properly. The data seems to just not come through at all
If company data isn't properly showing up in your people table, you'll need to rerun the lookup in your people table to refresh the data. This is done through the "Lookup Single Row in Other Table" column (marked with the Clay logo) in your people table.When you add new company data or make changes to your company table, these updates won't automatically sync to your people table. Simply rerun the lookup column to pull in the latest enriched company data and ensure you have the most up-to-date information. Sources: Find People [Clay 101] - Clay University Enrich People (Waterfalls) [CRM Enrichment] - Clay University
Is that what you were looking for?
That still didn't work
it's showing 0 for a value that has other values
that's the problem
the data column is appearing in the "company table data" but it doesn't have the right value
which is weird
If you're seeing zeros where you expect values after running a lookup, you can try these steps to resolve the issue: 1. Check if the data already exists in your CRM or another Clay table 2. Use the Lookup column feature to pull in the existing data instead of running a new enrichment 3. Watch our CRM Lookup Tutorial for detailed guidance: CRM Lookup Tutorial 4. For looking up data from other tables, you can reference our Data Lookup Tutorial: Data Lookup Tutorial Source: Guide: Ways to Save Clay Credits - Clay University
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