Hi, I've implemented Clay at several companies now, and I've been trying to become Clay affiliate, but haven't had any succes. Now I'm going to implement it again next week, but I'd still be interested to figure this out. I've filled in the online form twice, but haven't heard anything.
You can apply to become a Clay Expert through our official application form at https://clayhq.typeform.com/to/aNhHDDXQ.If you're interested in building your Clay expertise, we also offer a 6-week expert-led coaching program designed to help you master Clay and start getting clients. This program is particularly suitable if you want to start your own Clay agency or add Clay-related services to your existing agency.Since you've submitted the form twice without hearing back, I recommend submitting a new application through the link provided above. If you still don't receive a response, you can request human assistance by clicking on "Talk to a person" for further help with your specific case. Sources: Hire a Clay Expert | Clay.com ADN Digital Clay Coaching - Clay Expert | Clay.com
I'm glad I could answer your question, and I'm here if you need any further assistance.
I have not heard anything about this anymore, could someone help me with this?
Since you're interested in becoming a Clay affiliate, I recommend considering our 6-week Claygency accelerator program. This program is specifically designed to help you master Clay and start your own Clay agency. We've successfully trained over 100 students and even Clay's own employees, with many graduates now working with top Claygencies like The Kiln, Aurora, The Workflow Company, and Stellar Growth.To get direct assistance with your affiliate application status, please explicitly request to speak with a human agent in this conversation. A support team member will be able to look into your specific application and provide personalized guidance. Source: Clay Bootcamp - Clay Expert | Clay.com
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I got no reply thus far
Is there anyway you can help me get in? I'm signing up a lot of clients to clay and not getting commision on the referrals
I started a chat with their support through the chat on the dashboard. Would suggest to do the same.
Awesome, Floris. Thank you!