Can Clay work with Linkedin Sales Navigator search urls? Or Sales Nav profiles URLs?
Yes, Clay can work with LinkedIn Sales Navigator search URLs. You can import your Sales Navigator searches by:1. Going to the Method Filter 2. Selecting External List 3. Pasting your Sales Navigator search URL in the Query sectionThis allows you to retrieve publicly available LinkedIn profile data including names and profile links. A few important points to note:** The URL must be specifically for a Sales Navigator Search ** You can import up to 2,500 results per Sales Navigator Source ** Each result imported costs 1 Clay credit ** No additional LinkedIn authentication is required
Will Clay be using my cookie session to extract data?
No, Clay does not use your data or cookie sessions for data extraction. Clay doesn't have any native data - instead, it acts as a platform that allows you to connect to external enrichment tools and data providers through our marketplace.We have a strict policy: Clay does not use your data for any purpose, and only you and anyone you invite to your workspace can see your data. This is formally outlined in our Terms of Service, which states that Clay does not use user-uploaded content for any purpose other than providing Clay services to the account that uploaded the content. Sources: How Clay Uses Customer Data FAQ | Clay: Terms of Service
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