Hey there, i'm looking for a good solution to enrich data to find previous companies people have worked for. Ideal would be via Apollo, and the goal would be to export a list of companies to scan and then create a snippet of text if we find a match ie. "I saw you used to work at ACME - they were our client for five years" etc.
You can use our Apollo.io integration to discover previous companies where individuals have worked. Here's how you can approach this: 1. Use the "Find People at Company By Job Title with Apollo.io" action to search for people at specific companies. You'll need to provide: ā¢ Job titles (comma-separated list) ā¢ Company domains ā¢ Optional location filters 2. Once you have the people data, you can enrich it further using Apollo's company enrichment capabilities to get detailed information about each previous company, including: ā¢ Industry information ā¢ Employee count ā¢ Social media profilesThis will give you the data needed to create your personalized snippets about previous companies. You can then format this information into your desired text template structure. Sources: Data points: Former Companies | Clay.com Enrich Company with Apollo.io Find People at Company By Job Title with Apollo.io
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