Hi All! Using my apollo API key can i enrich prospects in clay with their mobile number? I can't see mobile number listen under phone in the cell details, only 'number and sanitised number'
While Apollo.io integration in Clay can enrich person data with various contact details, it doesn't specifically provide mobile numbers.However, we offer several other options to find mobile numbers:1. LeadMagic - Find mobile numbers using LinkedIn profiles 2. Datagma - Discover mobile numbers using email addresses or LinkedIn profiles 3. RocketReach - Retrieve phone numbers using social URLs, names, or employer information 4. Clay Enrichments - Find mobile numbers using social URLs or email addresses Sources: Enrich Person with Apollo.io | Clay.com Find Mobile Number with LeadMagic Find Mobile Number with Datagma Find Phone Number with RocketReach Find Mobile Number & Social URLs with Clay Enrichments
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