Ok need some help again sorry - this table should be looking up for restaurants in this case studies table for restaurants, yet nothing is returning
💤 You've caught us outside of our support hours (9am-9pm EST), but don't worry - we'll be back in touch within 24 hours (often sooner!). If you haven't already, please include the URL of your table in the thread below so that we can help you as quickly as possible!
Hey, thanks for reaching out In this view: https://app.clay.com/workspaces/361428/tables/t_yXFpJuSJ8bXv/views/gv_CgRKw3V5odtQ I actually see 100 records and 100+ case study links Can you clarify? https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1221809313/4056a7120127e0d0add4848f4e56/CleanShot+2024-10-19+at+_02CMEIIJFM%402x.png?expires=1729362600&signature=e83458a8122af8cc607eccc02c6c2135c82d360524fea8ae3aa34a88d0288fa3&req=dSIlF8F%2BlIJeWvMW1HO4zfzXz3gm4i77EBMuyycB7wDmxIqQsZ2G%2FsDeZj0M%0AeEHN%0A
I'm looking at this one: https://app.clay.com/workspaces/361428/tables/t_76H9yAvNvYdf/views/gv_oyVRP3riAgGd
Looks like you just fixed it right? https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1221815037/50692e50129f4104eae40f227baf/CleanShot+2024-10-19+at+_39FteWJYgm%402x.png?expires=1729362600&signature=1067305dba927f1c92570c9a24140a7ae18f39261f89ada7d75ef39d477db705&req=dSIlF8F%2FmIFcXvMW1HO4za4cy%2FoRMNZpjrrfFK9XSqNJ%2BqFqv%2Fz8MAEWkFqj%0ASFkS%0A
yes - but what's weird is that those should contain the word restaurant... allo f these should have records found
It seems the issue might be related to how Clay searches for the value. When it’s looking for “hungarian restaurant,” it searches for the entire phrase, not just part of it. For example, it won’t find “Hungarian” and “restaurants” separately; it will only return results for “Hungarian restaurant” if the value contains that phrase. You can also compare it with other values to see how they behave. Let me know if you need any further clarification! I’m happy to help. 😊
interesting, how do you think I could fix that?
so that it finds the most relevant results
To improve the results, I suggest removing specific terms like “Hungarian” and just searching for “restaurant.” This will broaden the search and help you find more relevant results. Alternatively, you can use ChatGPT to return the actual business category, which could save you time and reduce the need for manual updates. I’ve also added it as a formula so you can see how it works. Let me know if you’d like more help with this or anything else! 😊
thank you!
can you help me figure out why the leads aren't adding to instantly?
in the last column it keeps saying failed to add
To help with this, can you check in Instantly to see if the leads are already there? Their enrichment feature doesn’t fully support “update/lookup,” so if a lead is already present and gets updated, it might show as “failed to add,” even though the update actually worked. Let me know if this helps or if you need further assistance! 😊
ah you're right - thanks!
Hi Annamarie G.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback: