Hi There, I am trying to "Find People" from one company with a specific title and i am getting only a few people altough i know there are many more. How can i improve that? thanks in advance
Hey Inbar! Thanks for reaching out. Happy to help. Results from the people search typically get impacted by the following instances: 1. Inputting semantic search parameter instead of syntactic search: A limited set of job title keywords applied to the role being targeted. Our search algorithms are based on syntactic search which means you must put every variation of the keywords you're looking for (ie CEO and Chief Executive Officer). When this happens, some matching profiles may be missed because they were not included in the search query. β β2. Mapping the wrong inputs in the people filters. For example, not mapping LinkedIn urls from the company table to run the search. β 3. Search limits applied to the people search. This reduces the number of records that can be imported from a search. β 4. Private profiles: Our data providers use a multitude of ways to access people and company data. For the most part though, we don't use your cookie/login data. This means that we could miss some information here and there, especially if there are privacy restrictions in place for certain profiles. This would mean that your logged in profile has access to it, but our data providers may not. However, we're continuously working on improving our search algorithm to provide more coverage. Also happy to take a look at your current search parameters in your table and make suggestions where needed. You can also use other options like Datagma/Snov.io's employee search to find contacts. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/1187144136/ef012e9fda27dfcf7eb5e46a/CleanShot%2B2024-08-28%2Bat%2B13_35_24-402x.png?expires=1726839900&signature=19cf029c44142a5a10f32707082c05f3883a2d081e598d276cdbf8093a9e65e2&req=dSEvEch6mYBcX%2FMW1HO4zYdTg4dysL24NYUN5y9fbO08X%2BRIlyO6311IOIOV%0APH1B%0A https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/1187144137/768a4f7e437c89516d14ba65/CleanShot%2B2024-08-28%2Bat%2B13_34_32-402x.png?expires=1726839900&signature=20bd9d08da70428306bcd9d1b87e890ba663454ee082b93e2ffa9e5a271dc762&req=dSEvEch6mYBcXvMW1HO4zeH0scA7kZ%2Buj52s3Y1GfIZ%2BZKkVD9CAvfSmEcPw%0Asbbj%0A
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!