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Troubleshooting Claygent API Rate Limit Issues for Research Tasks


I am trying to use my own open API key to do basic research with claygent and I keep getting an error that says my rate limits are too low to use my own api key - how do I get around this? I’ve already bought $100 in open api credits and only spending .001 with gpt 4-mini so I’m not sure what to do here Need to research about 2000 records and can’t spend all my clay credits on just that. I didn’t have an issue a few weeks ago using it but am just coming back to clay for my clients. Would love any help or advice

  • Avatar of Channeled

    To resolve the rate limit error with your OpenAI API key, you'll need to ensure your API usage tier meets Clay's requirements. For reliable use, you need:• 30,000 TPM (tokens per minute) for ChatGPT columns• 450,000 TPM for ClaygentIf you're currently on a free plan or tier 1, you'll need to upgrade to a tier 2 API key. You can check your current limits and usage at:** Usage ** Limits * Usage TiersAlternatively, you can use our Clay-managed API key, which is accessible for all models through the enrichment panel under Model > Account. Source: Use AI - Clay University

  • Avatar of Chase G.
    Chase G.

    Yes I am aware. My question is how are people with a newer open api account doing this? There is no way to pay to upgrade my usage tier. It says I just have to upgrade run a certain amount of requests. Which is what I’m trying to do.

  • Avatar of Chase G.
    Chase G.

    It was working a few weeks ago just fine so I’m confused what changed

  • Avatar of Channeled

    To use OpenAI with Clay, you need specific token per minute (TPM) requirements:** 30,000 TPM for ChatGPT columns ** 450,000 TPM for ClaygentIf your API key was working before but isn't now, it's likely because you're on a free plan or tier 1, which doesn't meet these requirements. To resolve this, you'll need to upgrade to a tier 2 API key.You can check your current usage and limits at:** Usage ** Limits * Usage TiersTo upgrade your tier, follow the instructions here: How to Move Up in Usage Tiers.

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