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Issues with Finding Recent LinkedIn Posts: Single Result and Year Ago Limit


Hey why does find recent linkedin post (we're charged a credit for it) only return posts from a year ago, and always only finds one post, never more on the individual? also it doesn't work for companies either. Can someone help ? here's the clay table in the tab "2025 campaigns"

  • Avatar of Channeled

    The limitation you're experiencing is because Clay retrieves post data through public web scraping rather than direct LinkedIn connections. This means that if someone has a private account, hasn't been active recently, or if their content hasn't been publicly scraped lately, Clay may not be able to access their recent posts.Here are two alternative solutions you can try: 1. Use services like Apify or Phantombuster and integrate them with Clay to get post data. Note that since these services use your LinkedIn account, there is a risk of being blocked by LinkedIn, so use them carefully. 2. Try using Claygent, our built-in AI research tool with web access. For best results, configure Claygent to use advanced AI models like Argon or OpenAI's GPT 4o.

  • Avatar of Channeled

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