What's the trick to getting Clay to populate columns from a Salesforce list? It's only bringing in the Record Id. Can't figure out how to import additional fields.
To import additional fields from your Salesforce list, follow these steps: 1. Navigate to the Source panel by either: ā¢ Creating a new table: Click "+ Create new" and search for "Salesforce" ā¢ Using an existing table: Open the table and select "Actions > Import" 2. In the Source panel: ā¢ Choose "Import Records from Salesforce" ā¢ Select your Salesforce account key ā¢ From the "Salesforce Object" dropdown, select your desired object type ā¢ Choose your desired view from the "List View" dropdownWhen you complete these steps, Clay will populate all available fields from your selected List View, not just the Record ID. The fields available for import will depend on the permissions set by your Salesforce administrator for the account you're using. Sources: Salesforce integration overview | Documentation | Clay University Salesforce Integration Guide
I've followed these instructions and the fields from my list View are not being imported into Clay
This issue is likely related to permissions. The fields available for import are limited to what your Salesforce OAuth user has access to. Here's what you should check: 1. Ensure your Salesforce OAuth user has: ā¢ Permission to access identity information ā¢ Permission to manage data via APIs ā¢ Permission to perform requests anytime 2. The data pull is specifically limited to: ā¢ Fields that are accessible to the OAuth user who set up the connection ā¢ Objects that the OAuth user has permission to accessIf you're still only seeing the Record ID, you may need to: ** Ask your Salesforce administrator to review and adjust the OAuth user's permissions ** Create a permission set to grant access to the specific fields you need to import Sources: Salesforce integration overview | Documentation | Clay University Salesforce [Clay 101] - Clay University
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