Hi there, im looking for some insight into the email scoring in zerobounce. I know clay returns the validity status, but in their platform they also return a email score as well. What is the threshold within clay's platform that returns it as "valid"?
Clay doesn't use a numerical score threshold for email validity. Instead, the validity status is determined by the classification from the email validation service being used (like ZeroBounce by default).By default, emails are marked as valid in two cases: 1. When they are classified as "valid" by the validation service 2. When they are classified as "catch-all" emailsIf you want a more conservative approach, you can enable the "only mark safe to send" option, which will only return emails classified as "valid" and exclude catch-all emails from being marked as valid. Sources: Enrich People (Waterfalls) [Clay 101] - Clay University Zerobounce integration overview | Documentation | Clay University Validate Email with Zero Bounce
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